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Which country has the best food?

Food can be an essential part of travel. Indeed for some, it might be THE reason for travel. What countries have the best food though?

How do you even quantify this question? User ratings might be one, though it definitely has its biases.

Let's look at some countries' Zomato user ratings across restaurants. We can, from the limited data, see:

1: Which countries have the best average ratings per restaurant that was rated

2: Which countries have the cheapest prices per person on average

3: Which countries have the best rated food for the cheapest (aka, where should a foodie on a budget go for a holiday?)

Color map of food ratings (red = better), price (red = higher), rating by price (red = better value)

Hmm, looks like certain parts of the world might be better than others for foodies?

Don't like the results? Feel free to adapt the R code to feed in data you think is more representative.

This was a pretty fun quick project that used a bit of fuzzy logic in string matching (stringdist), some code for currency conversion (priceR), and a package on how to map data (rworldmap).


Kaggle Datasets is the original source of data.